International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

The Stanford Responses

  • Preces & Responses based on themes from the works of Stanford, adapted and arranged by Jeremy Dibble

    RSCM Publications

    Jeremy Dibble writes, 'Given the few existing sets of nineteenth-century Preces and Responses for the Anglican liturgy, the centenary of Stanford’s death seemed to offer a rare opportunity to adapt some of the composer’s sacred and secular music for a cappella SATB which choirs could sing at evensong, not only to commemorate the composer’s unique and highly original contribution to Anglican church music during this anniversary year, but also for future services where, so often, only Preces and Responses from either the sixteenth, seventeenth or twentieth centuries have been more readily available. For this set I have freely adapted and arranged both well-known and less well-known extracts from Stanford’s church music, partsongs and symphonic repertoire (listed below) which should prove accessible to a range of choral abilities.'

    Jeremy Dibble is a leading expert on the music of Charles Villiers Stanford

    Find out more / order the music at



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