International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Singing Safari arrives after 6 weeks on the road

  • The Singing Safari has been on the road for five weeks now collecting exotic songs from all over the world.

    Singing Safari

    Just 6 days to go before we arrive at Holywells Park in Ipswich to perform the songs we've gathered. Tired, dusty and a few less people in our party since we set off on 3rd June: RIP Carruthers, Mansell and Dickinson. Thank god it was painless. We miss you. Collected all our songs now, just hope none escape (again!) before we arrive. Georgian police still on our tail, but think we can shake them off. Run out of clean underpants.

    You can follow the Singing Safari's progress as we make our way towards Ipswich on the final leg of our journey. Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ and discover more about our adventures on the road over the last six weeks.

    Or you could always just pop along to hear us perform at 2pm on Sunday 13 July in Holywells Park, Ipswich. It's a FREE half hour performance. Full details on Chris Rowbury's website.

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