International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

What songs matter to you the most?

  •  [A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir]


    Back in 2012 The Guardian started a project called Six Songs of Me that asks which songs matter most to each of us on a personal level (the project has now ended).


    Photo by MvanM


    I thought it might be a fun idea to do the same kind of survey here, but in the context of songs we have sung ourselves – whether we learnt them from our Mum, at school or in a professional choir.

    The kind of songs I’m thinking of might be:


    • the first song you remember hearing
    • the song you like singing the most
    • the song that you’d really like to learn
    • the song you most like to perform solo
    • the first song you ever learnt be heart
    • the song you’ve sung to a lover


    Not an exhaustive list by any means, but something to get you thinking.

    To kick us off, here are a few of mine.

    The first song I remember is my mother singing “Mama’s little baby loves shortening bread.”

    One of the first songs I learnt was from schools radio and begins “This is the way the ladies ride”.

    One of the songs I most like performing is “She moved through the fair”.

    The song I like singing most in harmony with others is the Corsican song Terzini Guagnesi.
    My favourite duet is to sing Cancion Mixteca.

    Please leave a comment and share with us the songs that matter to you the most (and why).
    I look forward to hearing them!



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    Chris Rowbury



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