Mistango Choir Festival


  • The Goethe-Institut Choir is one of the most established choirs in Dublin. We rehearse on a Tuesday night in the Lutherhaus in Adelaide road just a few minutes’ walk from the NCH.  We sing a varied repertoire with an interest in Bach, Modern British Composers and Early Music. We do two major works a year as well as doing several smaller concerts.  This December in the NCH we are singing Bach’s Christmas Oratorio and every May we do a concert for the Carmichael Centre – recent ones included Mozarts Requiem and Tallis Spem in Alium, and this summer we sang The Mass in Blue by Will Todd. For more information see our website http://www.goetheinstitutchoir.ie/ We would love to hear from you! Auditions are by appointment. Please email Sophia info@goetheinstitutchoir.ie for further information and to arrange a time.


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