International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Choir Flashmob - Simply COOL!!!

  • By Adrian Ruckhofer (INTERKULTUR Choir Reporter)
    , Singakademie Graz, Austria
    Translated from German to English

    I always wanted to be part of a flashmob, now I finally was!!!

    We, the choir4graz, started our promotion tour in the shopping mall at Murpark. We spread in the whole building in groups of one or two. Then we got the sought-after call from Maria, our choir conductor, which gave us the starting signal. I had a queasy feeling when I started to sing my first “Let’s sing a welcome”. How will people react? It’s all quiet. Would they not be impressed by our action? Once again, a bit louder now: “Let’s sing a welcome!”

    I met two of our little girls half way. Even though we pretend not to know each other, I shot an encouraging glance at them and suddenly there was a bell-like sound: “Let’s sing a welcome!” Now it sounded from the other side as well, and from the escalators above. I noticed people starting to look back, to stop, to listen and asking themselves what was going on and where that sounds where coming from. I even noted that listeners followed us choir singers to see what’s going to happen now. We almost felt like the Pied Piper of Hameln, just vice versa: Children are catching adults!

    When we arrived at the agreed meeting point, where in the meantime an INTERKULTUR rollup had been placed, we started to sing that song, written by Lorenz Maierhofer. Roman made the “proclamation” and invited everybody to come to the Opening of the events (WCC and GP), to the parade of the choirs as well as to the other events (such as the film music concert) on respective days and times.

    Then we sang a second song, just to split up again and go into all directions as if nothing had happened. One part of the audience only stared at us, astonished. The other part of them stopped us to ask for more details. It was simply COOL!

    The same thing happened in the newly designed traditional shopping store “Kastner & Öhler” in the Sackstraße. Only the boss was in the know of our action, so at the beginning there was a high astonishment and excitement on every floor. Finally, however, it led into big applause.

    At the meeting point Eisernes Tor it was particularly funny. One part of us started at Jakominiplatz, the others at the Hauptplatz. Some others strolled around the Herrengasse, which is very busy at this time of day. Others took narrow side roads in the old town. The people’s reaction couldn’t have been more different! Astonishment? Curiosity! Some of them got frightened first, when I – trained now and full of self-confidence – loudly sang my “Let’s sing a welcome”, just walking right next to them.

    Especially one woman attracted my attention: She passed briskly – suddenly the singing and a flag with the INTERKULTUR logo – then a slower pace – she took a flyer – said: “Great, I will be coming for sure” – and went ahead briskly.

    The younger singers won high praise in particular, because they had courage enough to start singing in the middle of the street! I totally agree! But I know that the small ones in our choir are really great!

    All in all, it was an amazing and funny experience for all of us.

    I think a special highlight and a long-lasting success of this promotional tour is that some of the passers-by were spontaneously singing along with us and had fun with it!

    See for yourself:

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