Have you seen it? On Monday we had an
update of choirs that have newly registered for the
2012 World Choir Games (WCG). Six new nations will be there and finally an old acquaintance is on that list, too: Stellenbosch University Choir from South Africa, double champion of the
2010 World Choir Games in Shaoxing! There’s a story about their registration we don’t want to keep back from you.
Jelena Dannhauer, project manager of the 2012 World Choir Games, had been in contact with the conductor of Stellenbosch University Choir, André van der Merwe for weeks. Due to financial problems the choir’s registration for the World Choir Games delayed, again and again.
In September Jelena took the chance to see André in South Africa during two weeks’ vacation hoping to finally receive the registration documents. Sure enough, when they visited Stellenbosch University together, suddenly she had the choir’s registration in her hands and said really happy: “I’m excited that now, after many weeks of worrying about their participation in the 2012 WCG, Stellenbosch University Choir has finally registered. We were able to gain a fantastic choir!“
The singers will now do everything to raise the missing funds for their trip to the United States: “The choir members view taking part in the WCG Cincinnati as a tremendous privilege - lack of sufficient funds almost kept the choir away from participating. Various projects will still be launched to raise funds. Many members will spend their December holidays with activities like performance tours; car wash projects; waitering, etc. to raise the last bit of funds to make the tour feasible”, André van der Merwe said.
Jelena also presented a roll-up especially designed for André’s choir, who now can hardly wait for next World Choir Games: “The choir members are excited to share their music with international audiences and choirs in Cincinnati. We are all looking forward to experiencing the organizational efficiency of INTERKULTUR combined with the skill and flair of the Americans!”