International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Myers-Briggs Personalities in the World of Singing

  • Ever since the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality test was first founded back in 1962, countless curious individuals have used it in a bid to gain a greater understanding of their own characters. While singers do not necessarily seek out personality analysis for the same reason as business managers would, it could still provide a fair amount of insight and entertainment. It will undoubtedly also be inspirational to see which world-renowned singers you share a personality type with. There are a few personality types that are more inclined to be blessed with musical talents than others — including ENFJs, INFJs, INFPs, and ENFPs.

    ENFJs are exceptionally creative

    ENFJs have an idealistic outlook on life and like the other personality types mentioned, are exceedingly creative and musically-inclined. They live in an emotion-filled world and the music they create strongly reflects that. While perfectly happy to sing in a large choir, these personality types often find themselves being conductors as they are born leaders.A lot of ENFJ personalities have a very physical side to them which allows them to bring a lot of energy to live choral performances. Bono, Freddie Mercury, and Regina Spektor are all world-renowned singers that have an ENFJ-type personality.

    INFJs want to make the world a better place

    INFJs are fair-minded individuals who are extremely caring and sympathetic when it comes to the other people.  They are also armed with a very deep sense of drive and tend to believe in destiny. Individuals with an INFJ-type personality are naturally creative and, when involved in music, can be described as trailblazing innovators who are adept at expressing social concerns through music.  Apart from possessing natural talent, INFJs are also well-organized and instinctive which makes them valuable choir members. Some of the world’s most esteemed singers, including Leonard Cohen, George Harrison, and Peter Gabriel fall into the INFJ category, highlighting just what high-calibre of talent can be found within the classification.

    INFPs care about the message in music

    People with an INFP-type personality may be introverted but they are also exceedingly artistic and creative by nature.  Self-expression is of the utmost importance to INFPs which is why they are often found joining choirs and drama troupes, even though they enjoy written their own music and creative material.  INFPs are very in tune with the subjectivity of their own feelings and it is very important to them to do what feels ‘real’ to them. During stressful times INFP singers will seek solace in one of their biggest loves, music and also prefer to stick to what feels familiar to them. Among the most renowned singers who fall into the INFP category are Canadian songbird Sarah MacLachlan, John Mayer, and even Bob Marley.

    ENFPs favor authenticity

    ENFPs are naturally charismatic and fun to be around which can make them a welcome addition to a choir.  They are naturally drawn to other people and are also known to be somewhat quirky and adventurous while also being very inspirational.  People who fall into the ENFP personality category possess heaps of creativity and are also very eloquent, making them very powerful songwriters.  ENFPs love people which is why they are drawn to music about people and possibilities. The world has been blessed with a range of superb ENFP talents including John Lennon, Bob Dylan, composer Franz Joseph Hayden, and Bruce Springsteen. 

    Although there are always opposing views regarding the validity of personality tests, they do serve a purpose. Apart from giving you a degree of insight into your own personality, they can also provide some much-needed entertainment.

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