International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Choir Director and Conductor Training



    One of the most important components of all the international choral festivals organized by Fiestalonia is the education and direct exchange of experience between the members of the choirs and the choir conductors. However, sometimes the content of the programs gets repeated on these festivals, and that is why we have come up with a great offer for you - a completely new formula for gaining experience in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Have you ever wondered whether it is possible to turn the conference or workshop into an interactive game? To gain experience in a relaxed and accessible way and enjoy a wonderful journey at the same time? We offer you a completely unique formula of a choral event, through which you will gain valuable tools for your professional activities, make new friends and discover new potential in yourself! We invite everybody to take part in this event designed for choral conductors and educators. This choral event will carry you along in an amazing journey that consists of four practical parts: 
    1. Visit the performances of the participants at the International Festival Golden Voices of Montserrat. 
    You will enjoy the singing of choirs from different countries and at the same time you will have a chance to form part of the organizing committee of the festival and experience pleasure from the fact of giving people the happiness of singing! During the international festival Golden Voices of Montserrat you will also have a great opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the Costa Brava, Barcelona and views from the mountains of Montserrat. 
    2. Master class with Colin Touchin 
    3. Seminar with Colin Touchin (2 hours). 
    - Topics can include (and participants can suggest additional topics for consideration): 

    Rehearsal planning, concert schedules, maximising time; 
    Rehearsal discipline and organisation; creating areas of responsibility within the choir; 
    Programme planning for audiences; building the choral community; 
    Mixing with other singers - blending choral tones and styles; 
    Adjudication issues - what do adjudicators listen and look for? what gets higher or lower marks? 

    a) Tuning and toning your choir 
    b) Blending unisons and balancing harmonies 
    c) Projecting emotion 
    d) Controlling expression 
    e) Increasing efficiency of gestures 
    f) Dynamic shaping and enhanced phrasing 
    g) Stacking/re-arranging voice-parts 

    4. Workshop (2 hours) - the direct exchange of experience between choirmasters. 
    We all know that for excellent accuracy and expression, the gestures of the conductor of the choir are fundamental. On this very practical and certainly desired session, each participant can share his/her experience and show especially important hand gestures, as well as demonstrate how to use your body and facial expressions in order to achieve the best sound and capabilities of your choir. 
    What do international festivals usually lack from the point of view of the participants of the festivals? By brainstorming ideas, we will certainly collect a lot of your proposals and bring the best of them to life in our future festivals! 
    During our workshop we will also investigate the importance of a positive attitude to life and inner harmony for such a class as singing. 
    Also, you will have the opportunity to speak on free themes and share your experience with each other. 

    This trip will become for you a breath of fresh air and a really outstanding event in your professional life. 

    Here are the options for you: 
    - You can come as choirmaster for our specially organized program of choral event; 
    - You can come along with your own choir and thus: participate in the competition or a non-competitive program of the International Festival «Golden Voices of Montserrat" and in the event designed for choir conductors and teachers.   


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