International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Bringing Joy with signing

  • Music has been the inseparabale part of human life. And when the ear listens to music, the mouth responds with signing. For some, music and signing brings joy to themselves while for some, it helps them express themselves. Nevertheless, there is one important trait that a signer or a musician should never forget. It is that, with perfect rythm and harmony, he can bring joy to anyone who listens to his muscial.


    How many times have we been been broken in our heart with the troubles of the world and felt comforting on the sound of music? Yes indeed. It speaks to people. And when the music expresses the love of God, what else do you need to mend a broken soul. 


    Let us sing and make ourselves happy. Let us sing better and make others happy. Let us sing for the glory of God and forget the droopy troubes of the world.




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