International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Using Social Media to Promote Your Choir

  • Here you are reading a blog so you are all ready part of social media.  There are so many opportunities to be in touch with other musical people that we will try to sort those out.

    File:Twitter bird logo 2012.svg

    Twitter is an amazing way to connect with people all over the world.  It is fun because each message is 140 characters or less.  You can add pictures or videos or links as well as the message.  We chat with people in Australia, where it is summer right now.  We chat with lots of people in the United Kingdom and the United States and Canada.  We got a great idea for a new fund raiser for next Christmas from Twitter - but more on that later.  Check it out and follow us on Twitter.  Click here or on the link at the side.


    1. Follow others.  Every time you tweet, someone somewhere is reading about you.  You want to "follow" other choirs or musical groups and they in turn will follow you.  Say something catchy or fun and be sure to comment on other tweets.


    2. Favourite & Retweet - When someone says something you like or appreciate, then Retweet it.  It is easy to do.  Those buttons are right under each Tweet.  Be sure to Favourite as well.  The more times your name is mentioned, the more chance you have of being noticed.  I have really enjoyed conversations with various musical groups all over the world.  It takes very little time but is so much fun.


    3. Linking.  You can link your blog posts to automatically be posted on Twitter.  If you don't want to be the Twitter guru then appoint someone as your Twitter reader and writer.  It is most important that you stay on top of what is happening.


    Facebook can also be linked to your blog.  Your posts can automatically be posted to your Facebook page.  I find that Facebook is more used by local people.  It is not as far reaching as Twitter but has its place in keeping your community in the loop.  I do not find that this is as good vehicle for disseminating information as the blog but certainly brings some to your blog posts that wouldn't otherwise read it.


    1. Like - You can click on LIKE on other posts to show you have read them.  You can also make a post you don't think is appropriate be hidden on your page.  If someone continues to post what you think is inappropriate, you can "un-friend" them.


    2. Share - When you find something like a video or poster or picture you would like YOUR friends to see then you can click the share button.  You can add your own comment to that as well.


    We have e-mail for direct communication with the choir.  Seeing as most people have smart phones, they will get their e-mails right away.  Our choir has requested e-mail as our main communication although the schedule and updates are always available on the blog.


    Make the social media work for you.  Learn from and share with others who have similar interests.  It is simply amazing.  I am of the age that I remember when you thought twice about using long distance on the phone as it was very expensive.  Letters (snail mail) were written regularly.  Now, communication is immediate and ever present.  Don't be afraid of it.  I knew nothing about using social media just two years ago.  Now there is no turning back.  Make it a part of your choir's persona.  Why not?

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