International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Soiree- concert (our first ever) fundraiser




    The Major Minors Children's Choir in NZ was founded in 2012 by qualified musicians who voluntarily run two children's choirs based in Upper Hutt. Children for both choirs are aged 4-13 at the moment. We have grown in sound (and numbers) and our extension group for older kids is called The Harmonic Minors.


    The Harmonic Minors have kids aged 9-13 and sing in harmoyn. Formed last year, initially with only a 30 minute rehearsal each week, we are now doing 1 hour rehearsals before The Major Minors on Sunday afternoons and it's really paying off!


    A link to our rehearsal of a 2013  song arranged by Deke Sharon  (a cappella) from this month is here...


    We sing pop, rock,classical, country and sometimes a cappella (without backing from piano or sound tracks). We are hosting a local  Musical Soiree on Sat 2 July to give our kids the experience of performing in front of an audience, perform solos in preparation for the Hutt Valley Performing Arts Competitions in July, group work and to fund raise for some branded uniform pants that will be locally created to set the older choir members apart from the younger ones.

    For more information about what we do, who we are, community and singing awards please see our, email us on  or find us on facebook:  twitter @ choirmm and google+'s%20Choir



    Thanks for reading about us!


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