About Us: Li-Ron Choir began as the choir of the Gordon elementary school in Herzliya. Currently the choir represents Herzliya locally and abroad. The choir is comprised of three groups: children between the ages of 6-11, teenagers from 12-18 and a vocal ensemble. ... moreLi-Ron Choir began as the choir of the Gordon elementary school in Herzliya. Currently the choir represents Herzliya locally and abroad. The choir is comprised of three groups: children between the ages of 6-11, teenagers from 12-18 and a vocal ensemble.
From 1991 the choir has participated in international competitions in Wales, Hungary, Finland, Israel, Germany, Italy, Spain and won gold medals.
- In July 2004 the choir participated in the Choir-Olympic Competition in Bremen-Germany and won two gold medals.
- In July 2006 the choir participated in the Choir-Olympic Competition in Xiamen - China and won a gold medal.
- In July 2008 the choir participated in the Choir-Olympic Competition in Graz- Austria and won two gold medals and won the championship in category 18, Music of the religions
-In July 2009 the choir participated at the INTERNATIONAL YOUTH MUSIC COPMETITION in Bratislava, Slovakia and competed in three categories: Musica sacra - acapella, Folklore and children choir and won three gold medals and special prize for the best Drama performance.
The goal of the choir is two fold: educational - the development of tolerance and empathy and musical - the development of listening skills (to oneself and others) and developing the ability to process the content of the music.
Ronit Shapira, the choir’s founder and conductor, graduated from the Music Teachers Seminar and holds a Master's Degree in Musicology from Tel Aviv University. Ronit serves as lecturer of Method and Choir Conducting. At the International Choir Conductin less
5,206 views - added July 2, 2011 - admin of this choir page is Dalit Leder
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